

Liposculpture and liposuction in Gent, Belgium.

Lipoplasty or Liposuction or liposculpture is an aesthetic surgery, which focuses on the removal of excess fat in specific areas of the body. The most common areas treated by liposuction surgery are the abdominal wall, hips, flanks, inner thighs, knees and neck.


Liposuction is performed under either a general anaesthesia or under a sedation. Liposuction is never performed under local anaesthetics, since this would be to painful for the patient.

First of all, the area to be treated is locally sedated and a small incision of about two to three millimetres is made in a natural fold or crease of the skin. Through this opening, a salt solution is injected by the plastic surgeon. Next to a sedative this solution contains a liquid, which prevents bleeding. This makes the operation to go with less discomfort and loss of blood for the patient. Through the same incisions made during liposuction, cannulas (small tubes) that are hooked up to a vacuum pump, are inserted. During suctioning, volumes on either sides are closely watched in order to obtain a symmetrical result.

Special tissue glue is used to close the wounds. This glue allows the patient to take a shower after the operation and disappears on itself after ten days. The use of glue makes it unnecessary to remove stitches afterwards.


At the end of the surgery the patient will receive a tight garment, which needs to be worn day and night for a period of four weeks. The garment may only be taken off to launder it or to wash yourself.

If the liposuction is performed under general anaesthetic, hospitalisation for one day is required. If this cosmetic surgery is performed under sedation, patient may leave the clinic half an hour after the operation.


The procedure causes little to no post operative discomfort. The first couple of days, however, the treated areas will be very sensitive and some bruising might occur. These will disappear after eight days. A special skin cream can be prescribed if necessary.

liposuction nowadays is a very commonly performed procedure and the techniques used are a guarantee for the best results. In the beginning after surgery, the treated areas will appear swollen. The final result will only be noticeable after three months.